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Some Questions About Invisalign

Often, patients who want to improve their smiles don't realize that the alternative to braces will reduce their appearance. Fortunately, now appears an alternative to braces that are barely noticeable. This is called Invisalign. Invisalign has helped thousands of people achieve a beautiful smile.
Patients often ask the following questions about Invisalign:

Is it really effective Invisalign?

Research studies and national orthodontic invisalign has proven that really effective in smoothing the teeth.

What are aligners and they made of?

  • Clear plastic Aligners are trays that are shaped in accordance with your mouth. These Aligners is invisible (transparent) and used to spruce up the position of your teeth gradually.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

• Traditional braces and Invisalign almost the same. These costs vary based on how much the number of aligners required sprucing up your teeth.

Does insurance cover Invisalign?

Because coverage varies from person to person, you should check the policy of your insurance and work closely with dentists. In General, dental insurance covers invisalign, but again, every place has a different policy.

Invisalign aligners are painful?

On the first days in Invisalign treatment may cause discomfort such as braces usually. Your teeth will move to a position that has been in print in the aligners, and this is the source of your pain. However, if your teeth are already starting to settle into their new place then the pain will disappear by itself.

How Invisalign adjust the position of your teeth?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign unattractive teeth. In contrast to the position of dental aligners pressing right. These movements are at the core of the treatment; aligners should be worn for a minimum of 10 hours per day in order to be more effective and just released briefly for special occasions or for eating, drinking, and brushing of teeth.

Why should I choose Invisalign?

  • Appearance – Invisalign invisible so that it doesn't interfere with your appearance.
  • Removable – you can let go of invisalign when there are special occasions or when eating and drinking or brushing your teeth.
  • Comfortable – a high comfort level, unlike traditional braces, which can irritate the inside of your mouth.
  • A visit to the dentist less often.
  • A cost that does not vary much with traditional braces, Invisalign may be the solution if want to spruce up the teeth.

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